Sharon van der Woude – Wijngaarde


Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction, Sport Physiotherapy, Mc Kenzie Method


After completing my physiotherapy education in Leiden, Netherlands in 1986, I returned to Curaçao and gained my experiences by working 3 years for the GGD and both clinically and outpatient in SEHOS and Taams-kliniek.

Since 1989 I execute physiotherapy in this practice, where the main focus has always been on providing pre- and post-operative care for orthopedic patients. In addition I specialized in cranio-mandibular dysfunction, sport physiotherapy and the Mc Kenzie Method.

We opened another branch in 2000, in Santa Maria, to provide this neighborhood with our services as well.

I still enjoy practicing physiotherapy a lot, especially the interaction with the patients. The gratefulness I experience when patients complete their therapy and are able to function pain free again is satisfactory.
What makes physiotherapy so special, is that a complaint not only exists of a somatic part, but always includes a psychological component. Because of this I have learned over the years to approach the patients in a holistic way through which I achieve a positive outcome sooner.